• Goins Aaron, PLC of New Orleans

Gill-Jefferson Joins Firm

August 1, 2018 | Blog

Aaron & Gianna, PLC is pleased to announce that Judge Carolyn Gill-Jefferson (ret.) has joined the firm as Of Counsel.

Judge Gill-Jefferson is a retired judge of the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans.   During her tenure on the court she served as Chief Judge.  Subsequent to her service on the bench, Judge Gill-Jefferson served as a Visiting Professor of Civil Law at the Mississippi College School of Law. She remains a member of that Law School’s Adjunct Faculty. 

Judge Gill-Jefferson has served as an appointed Special Master of the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans and a Judge Pro Tempore of the 24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson.  As a Special Master she has been tasked with making allocations of settlements of more than thirty million dollars.

Judge Gill-Jefferson’s practice with the firm concentrates in the area of complex litigation (trial and appellate) including class action defense, personal injury defense and commercial litigation.  Other areas of her practice include administrative law, domestic relations law and succession law.  Judge Gill-Jefferson is an experienced Mediator and Arbitrator handling personal injury, contracts, and medical malpractice mediations as well arbitration panels.  She is a member of the Trial Advocacy Faculty at Tulane University.

Judge Gill-Jefferson received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Tougaloo College and her Juris Doctorate from Loyola University School of Law.   She is a member of the Louisiana and Mississippi Bars.




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