• Goins Aaron, PLC of New Orleans

Aaron Again Selected for Best Lawyers

August 19, 2021 | Blog

           On August 19, 2021 Best Lawyers®, the only purely peer-review™ guide to the legal profession, announced the 2022 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

               Lawyers named to The Best Lawyers in America© publication were recognized by their peers in the legal industry for their professional excellence in 147 practice areas.      For the 2022 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America, 10.8 million votes were analyzed, which resulted in the inclusion of more than 66,000 lawyers, or approximately 5% of lawyers in private practice in the United States. 

               Aaron & Gianna, PLC is pleased to announce that once again our Managing Shareholder, William D. Aaron, Jr., has been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© in the practice areas of Municipal Law and Municipal Litigation.   This marks the 13th year in a row that Bill has been so recognized.   Bill is a former City Attorney for the City of New Orleans.   As a private practitioner he has extensive experience in the representation of business and governmental entities on matters of local, state and federal law.   Governmental entities which Bill has represented have included the City of New Orleans, the New Orleans City Council, St. Mary Parish, the St. Mary Parish Council, City of Baytown (Baytown, Texas), the Baytown Housing Authority, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office, the Orleans Parish School Board, the Jefferson Parish School Board, the Downtown Development District of New Orleans (DDD), the Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO), the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), the Regional Transit Authority of New Orleans (RTA), the Jefferson Parish Charter Advisory Board, the New Orleans City Park and the Louisiana Department of Insurance.   Bill is licensed to practice law in Louisiana, Texas and the District of Columbia.   He has represented governmental entities before various state and federal courts including the United States States Supreme Court.  He has additionally represented governmental entities before a variety of federal adminstrative agencies includng the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

               “Best Lawyers was founded in 1981 with the purpose of recognizing extraordinary lawyers in private practice through an exhaustive peer-review process.   Forty years later, we are proud to continue to serve as the most reliable, unbiased guide to legal talent worldwide,” says Phil Greer, CEO of Best Lawyers.

                The process begins when lawyers are nominated for consideration. They are divided by geographic region and practice area, and are evaluated by their peers on the basis of professional expertise. Those who receive high peer reviews undergo an additional verification process to make sure they are currently practicing and in good standing.     Only then can these top lawyers be recognized by Best Lawyers.



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