• Goins Aaron, PLC of New Orleans

Gianna Receives Ralph Oliphant Award

February 11, 2016 | Blog

Aaron & Gianna, PLC salutes  Dominic J. Gianna, a Shareholder and Director of the Firm, on his receipt of the National Institute For Trial Advocacy's prestigious Robert Oliphant Award.   The Award was given for Outstanding Service to the National Institute For Trial Advocaacy (NITA), and recognizes service to NITA in ways other than teaching, such as program administration, authorship, business support, and volunteer service, each of which enhances NITA’s Mission,  In speaking to Dom's selection for the Award NITA Excecutive Director, Karen M. Kockwood observed:

"Dom Gianna is praised for the energy he has sustained in his NITA teaching and program leadership for over thirty years. He brings spirit and enthusiasm both to program participants, and urges other lawyers to enroll in NITA programs. Describing him as a “devoted ambassador” for NITA, the nominations tell of his sustained enthusiasm from his earliest days of NITA teaching.  Actively fundraising, and conscious also of the needs of law graduates, he expands the universe of NITA’s impact. Detailed preparation for his programs are said to reflect this enthusiasm.  For example, he has delved deeply into the neuroscience lessons on learning, attitudes, and the belief-decision link.  He has brought this perspective to his NITA programs and shared it in appearances on NITA’s studio71. This award honors Dom’s outreach, insight into learning, enthusiasm in program, contributions to Program Director strategies, and constant reference to NITA wherever he goes,"



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