• Goins Aaron, PLC of New Orleans

School Board Has Successful Auction

March 24, 2017 | Blog

Congrats to the Orleans Parish School Board for the successful auction on March 23, 2017 of two surplus properties: the former Murray Henderson Elementary School and the former Benjamin Franklin High School commonly known as the Carrollton Courthouse.    The Carrollton Courthouse sold for $4,700,000.00 (well above its appraised value of $3,050,000.00) and Murray Henderson Elementary School sold for $233,750.00 which was 85% of its appraised value.   As this was the first time that the properties were being offered at auction state law required minimum opening bids of not less than 85% of appraised value.

Aaron & Gianna, PLC served as legal advisor to the School Board in connection with the auction, and will handle the closings of the acts of sale with title insurance to be provided through Bayou Title.

Hat's off to Aaron & Gianna attorneys Bill Aaron and Courtney Payton for successfully educating potential bidders with respect to the wrongness of the contention that the School Board's deed to the Carrollton Courthouse forever restricted its use to school purposes.   That contention was advanced by opponents of the  sale of the Carrollton Courthouse and highlighted by the local news media in the days leading up to the auction.

For related news coverage including videos of the auction and Mr. Aaron's remarks to potential bidders see: 






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